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Feedback in Simulise

Providing feedback to students is an essential part of the educational process and offers several benefits to both students and teachers. Here are some key reasons why feedback is invaluable in education:

Encouraging learning

Feedback serves as a powerful tool to stimulate student learning. It provides them with information about their performance, which is essential for understanding strengths and areas that need improvement. By actively responding to this information, students are encouraged to remain continually engaged in their own learning.

Receiving meaningful feedback increases students’ involvement in their own learning. They not only feel responsible for their performance, but also gain a sense of ownership over their learning, which enhances their intrinsic motivation and willingness to learn.

Basis for conversation

Feedback is valuable not only for students, but also for teachers. It provides insight into the effectiveness of their instruction and helps them adapt their teaching methods to the individual needs of the students. This promotes a continuous improvement cycle in education.

Feedback opens doors for conversation and collaboration between teachers and students. It creates a positive communicative environment in which students feel comfortable asking questions, discussing problems and actively participating in their own learning.


Development of metacognitive skills

Feedback encourages metacognitive skills such as self-reflection and awareness of one’s own learning. It enables students to reflect on their ways of thinking, evaluate their strategies for learning and make conscious choices to achieve their learning goals.

Feedback is part of a continuous improvement process in which both teachers and students are constantly learning and growing. Viewing feedback as a cyclical process keeps education dynamic and attuned to the changing needs of the student.


Feedback in Simulise

Simulise offers many feedback options. Both solicited and unsolicited feedback is possible. Rubrics, audio, open text and forms can be used to provide feedback.
Of course, Simulise offers many feed-forward, 360-degree feedback and peer feedback options.

360 graden feedback